19 May 2009

House Warming Gifts

Now, normally you wouldn 't get house warming gifts until a person is actually moving in to a new place BUT that's not how I roll.

What I do is make a list of everything I want ahead of time and have people "randomly" buy them for me. See, I figure that way when I actually move into a place and have a part nobody will have to buy anything and you can party in a fully furnished place. Great idea right? I know. With that being said...here are 2 things I want for my kitchen. Two of many.

The Ex Knife Holder
69.99 @ ThinkGeek.com

Ice Invaders Ice Cube Tray
7.49 @ ThinkGeek.com


Unknown said...

Hahahaha. I love the knife holder, kind of a husbands/boyfriends beware when entering my house hold.

Unknown said...

Digging the Ice Invaders!