27 September 2008

I Forgot To Mention...

I'm going to be in Norfolk, VA for the majority of the weekend. I'll be in other parts too but mostly here. Already I've seen a bald lady with fingerwaves. Shits hilarious, lol.

Anyway...IHOP sucks. Denny's is better. For future reference..where is the closest Denny's to Military Circle?

Oh. One last thing...Andre, don't let me catch you on the street.

Virginia asshole. Lol.


Dallas Black said...

Enjoy Norfolk...never been there but..I am sure its cool...keepin tabs on ya

Dallas Black

aeriin said...

what the hell??

denny's sucks lol.

Ms.LadyCop said...

hey chick, i'm in hampton, hit me up

Eb the Celeb said...

Nooooooooo... say it aint so... I love Ihop... so dont like Denny's... remember Denny's is racist... remember that whole scandal... i will never forget and refuse to eat there unless they are the only pancake establishment in that state

Samson said...

How dare you bring your Mary-land wackness to the commonwealth! LOL

anyways what the hell bought you down from wire country...and the onlys denny's I know is in hampton buddy!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

dang sopund like u finna go to va and do some gun clapping

Rebecca said...

The Naughty Boy

There was a naughty boy,

And a naughty boy was he,

He ran away to Scotland

The people for to see

Then he found

That the ground

Was as hard,

That a yard

Was as long,

That a song

Was as merry,

That a cherry

Was as red,

That lead

Was as weighty,

That fourscore

Was as eighty,

That a door

Was as wooden

As in England

So he stood in his shoes

And he wonder'd;

He stood in his shoes

And he wonder'd.

-----by Warhammer Gold