09 September 2008



I'm writing this post because I don't have shit else to do and I figured this would pass the time.

I had to get up around 4 something this morning for work after going to sleep around 1...also because of work. I went to sleep around 5 something once I got in the house for good..and after I ate.

I dont think I woke up for good until about an hour ago and now I've just been laying around.

Alone with my thoughts.

Normally that's a good thing but lately my thoughts have all been about one of three things. Three things I'm not mentioning. They do involve major decisions though.

Can you tell I'm not fully awake?

Oh. Ok. So, for the record...if I tell you not to do something 9.5 times out of 10 it's for a pretty good reason. Even if I don't tell you what the reason is. So dont be too surprised if I'm pissed at you for doing it anyway.

But yeah, I'm still sleepy as hell AND I've just been volunteered to go pick my sister up at midnight.

Isn't that great?

One of those decisions just popped back up.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

get some restv folk

Unknown said...

dont you hate gettin yourself caught up beign nice ?

if u could.... change ur blogroll thingy for mine... i retired my other one.... my new link is

whoo hoo :)
now my head is in thee clouds :)

i will be back !

paix, Asia Dee