17 September 2008

So, Were You Always This Annoying?

Most people that know me learn quickly that I am very easily annoyed.

Some people that thought I was nice at first later told me that I was mean. There are Do's and Don'ts that come along with me.

Here are the DONTS.

DONT say 'Da bomb.com' around me. Ever.

DONT ever say Oh Em Gee or TTYL unless you are texting and/or a 12-15 year old girl.

DONT say to me or around me 'you only turn __ once' No shit. You only turn every age once. Find a better excuse.

DONT want what you can't have. I know that isn't something you can control necessarily. But at the same time, if you decide to just be friends with somebody because you want things 2 ways you can't get mad when that 'friend' shows even a little interest in somebody else. If we are friends you're not even on the same list.

DONT drunk dial me. Actually there are only 2 people that don't annoy me when they do. One of them is like one of my best friends and the other one is a new friend.

DONT keep trying to tell me a story I clearly have no interest in. Walking around me and dancing or saying 'I'm so happy' and then nothing else will not make me want to know the rest of the story if I never gave a fuck about anything else you ever said. Saying random things to me doesn't make me curious it only annoys me more.

I'm done for now because I don't feel like typing this anymore but this is only part one.

Just wait until I go back to work Friday...


Samson said...

OMG I've been saying TTYL as my closing to everybody on the phone... it's been getting mixed reactions....

I hate a drunk dial...drunk txts are more fun, plus you can keep the evidence.

Can't wait fir the do's

Stew said...

i have never had someone actually say "omg"...not even in a text. i guess i am lucky

EVERYONE is guilty of wanting what they cant have...EVERYONE

i dont mind people calling me drunk most times. as long as i am not doing anything and they do not say nothing too stupid