18 December 2008

Brain Is For Lovers.

...sure is. lls. Brain is my shit.....the song...

Thats on one of my shirts I bought at that N.E.R.D. concert I went to a while back too.

It is true though...slightly. Depends on what "lovers" means to you, lol.

"Do I really even love you? Or do I really love your brain" lol...my shit...

Anyway, I will probably sound extremely concieted, drawn, gassed or whatever you wanna call it when I say this but...

I'm too nice for as cute as I am.

No bullshit. That has to be it. I mean, as my friend would say, 'I ain't the best looking bitch in the world but what the fuck?' Seriously, niggas must be used to decent looking females being stuck up or something.

Why do I say this? Where is all this coming from?

Well, I've looked at my track record. Dudes seem to take my being 'cool as shit' for granted. I tend to lose interest in dudes extremely quick. If it seems like I've been talking to somebody for a while there's probably something making me want to stick around..at least for a couple more days or something.

But dudes take me being nice, or wanting to talk about absolutely nothing as me being clingy or something when that's so not the case.

Yes, I do tend to get slightly (okay extremely) goofy when it's somebody I do like and that can come off wrong. I understand that but what the hell man?! Lol.

I'm giving up soon.

So basically I just ranted and rambled because I was thinking about my current situation and how a dude I used to talk to took all the stuff I did for him for granted.

Now he's talking all this I want you back bullshit. No sir. Thanks but no thanks.

1 comment:

Samson said...

I love a goofy random ass chick, but it seems girls wanna be independent/grown/too cool to let thier guard down and fuck off sometimes...

I need a "brain" shirt... the fuck weren't they selling them here...they prolluy were just didn't see, oh well that's their fault too!