30 July 2008

Road Trip!, Pt. 2

I'm going to Philly again. Yay me.

This time it actually counts as a road trip because no family is going.

Friends, a rental car, and a hotel stay. Should be fun. That's if everything runs smoothly...because you know it never does with me.

I actually don't have the car or the room yet and I'm leaving Friday.

Procrastination? Nope. Not this time.

I actually didn't know if I was going for sure until recently.

My sister found out she couldn't go yesterday. One of my friends who couldn't go at first called to say she could. Another one said she would go. Another one couldn't go and I still have to check on one that has a tendency to BS.

So yeah, thats only two conformations.

But I'm going!


Anonymous said...

The Femmes...Lupe Fiasco...Baltimore...October 11th... U down?

who? said...

you really like philly? like that? IDK... maybe because you're a tad bit older and can get into more bars easier than me... but still...